@@ -3,8 +3,106 @@
<mapper namespace="com.redxun.knowledge.analysis.mapper.AnalysisSynthesizeMapper">
<select id="moduleUserVisits" resultType="com.redxun.knowledge.analysis.entity.vo.AlbumDetailVisitsVo">
- select MODULE as name,count(*) as value,round(count(*) / sum(count(*)) over (),2) percentage
+ select MODULE as name, count (*) as value, round(count (*) / sum (count (*)) over (), 2) percentage
from KM_PV_LOG
group by MODULE
+ <select id="organizationVisits" resultType="com.redxun.knowledge.analysis.entity.vo.SynthesizeCompanyVo">
+ select
+ companyId as company,NVL(total.total, 0) as total,NVL(knowledge.knowledge, 0) as knowledge,NVL(map.map, 0) as map,
+ NVL(album.album, 0) as album,NVL(search.search, 0) as search
+ from (
+ (select COMPANY_ID as companyId, count(*) total
+ from KM_PV_LOG
+ <where>
+ <if test="firstDay != null and lastDay != null">
+ TO_CHAR(CREATE_TIME_,'yyyy-mm-dd') >= #{firstDay}
+ and TO_CHAR(CREATE_TIME_,'yyyy-mm-dd') <= #{lastDay}
+ </if>
+ </where>
+ group by COMPANY_ID) total
+ full join
+ (select COMPANY_ID as companyId, count(*) knowledge
+ from KM_PV_LOG
+ <where>
+ MODULE = '知识仓库'
+ <if test="firstDay != null and lastDay != null">
+ and TO_CHAR(CREATE_TIME_,'yyyy-mm-dd') >= #{firstDay}
+ and TO_CHAR(CREATE_TIME_,'yyyy-mm-dd') <= #{lastDay}
+ </if>
+ </where>
+ group by COMPANY_ID) knowledge
+ using (companyId)
+ full join
+ (select COMPANY_ID as companyId, count(*) map
+ from KM_PV_LOG
+ <where>
+ MODULE = '知识地图'
+ <if test="firstDay != null and lastDay != null">
+ and TO_CHAR(CREATE_TIME_,'yyyy-mm-dd') >= #{firstDay}
+ and TO_CHAR(CREATE_TIME_,'yyyy-mm-dd') <= #{lastDay}
+ </if>
+ </where>
+ group by COMPANY_ID) map
+ using (companyId)
+ full join
+ (select COMPANY_ID as companyId, count(*) album
+ from KM_PV_LOG
+ <where>
+ MODULE = '知识专辑'
+ <if test="firstDay != null and lastDay != null">
+ and TO_CHAR(CREATE_TIME_,'yyyy-mm-dd') >= #{firstDay}
+ and TO_CHAR(CREATE_TIME_,'yyyy-mm-dd') <= #{lastDay}
+ </if>
+ </where>
+ group by COMPANY_ID) album
+ using (companyId)
+ full join
+ (select COMPANY_ID as companyId, count(*) search
+ from KM_PV_LOG
+ <where>
+ MODULE = '搜索服务'
+ <if test="firstDay != null and lastDay != null">
+ and TO_CHAR(CREATE_TIME_,'yyyy-mm-dd') >= #{firstDay}
+ and TO_CHAR(CREATE_TIME_,'yyyy-mm-dd') <= #{lastDay}
+ </if>
+ </where>
+ group by COMPANY_ID) search
+ using (companyId)
+ )
+ <if test="sort == null">
+ order by total desc
+ </if>
+ <if test="sort == 'totaldesc'">
+ order by total desc
+ </if>
+ <if test="sort == 'totalasc'">
+ order by total
+ </if>
+ <if test="sort == 'knowledgedesc'">
+ order by knowledge desc
+ </if>
+ <if test="sort == 'knowledgeasc'">
+ order by knowledge
+ </if>
+ <if test="sort == 'mapdesc'">
+ order by map desc
+ </if>
+ <if test="sort == 'mapasc'">
+ order by map
+ </if>
+ <if test="sort == 'albumdesc'">
+ order by album desc
+ </if>
+ <if test="sort == 'albumasc'">
+ order by album
+ </if>
+ <if test="sort == 'searchdesc'">
+ order by search desc
+ </if>
+ <if test="sort == 'searchasc'">
+ order by search
+ </if>
+ </select>