@@ -0,0 +1,731 @@
+ <div class="contentDataMain">
+ <div class="leftBox">
+ <div class="classTop">
+ 知识分类
+ </div>
+ <classMenu :categoryValue="categoryValue" :options="options" @changeClass="changeClass"></classMenu>
+ </div>
+ <div class="rightBox">
+ <div class="userTop">
+ <div class="userHead">
+ <img :src="imgUrl"/>
+ </div>
+ <div class="userMidle">
+ <p class="userMidleName">Hi.</p>
+ <p class="userMidleName">{{user.fullName}},祝你开心每一天!</p>
+ <p class="userMidleNum">上传文件数量<span>{{myuploadNum}}</span></p>
+ </div>
+ <div class="userEnd">
+ <search typeStr="content" hideSelect searchWidth="100%" @searchResult="searchResult"></search>
+ </div>
+ </div>
+ <!-- <div class="searchBoxTop">
+ <search typeStr="content" searchWidth="auto" @searchResult="searchResult"></search>
+ </div> -->
+ <div class="tabBoxContent">
+ <!-- <div v-if="index==0||(index==1&&number1Bas!=0)||(index==2&&number2Bas!=0)||(index==3&&number3Bas!=0)" v-for="(item, index) in tapArr" :key="index" @click="changeAction(index)"> -->
+ <div>
+ <span>{{ categoryName }}({{ number0 }})</span>
+ </div>
+ <div class="btnAddData" style="background:#fff;color:#555;border:1px solid #aaa;margin-left:0;" @click="action('cancle')">取消</div>
+ <div class="btnAddData" @click="action('save')">保存</div>
+ </div>
+ <div class="searchBoxContent">
+ <div class="noDataBox" v-if="dataList.length==0">
+ <img src="../../../../image/noDataNew.png" class="noData"/>
+ <p class="noDataText">暂无搜索结果</p>
+ </div>
+ <div v-else class="DataBoxContent">
+ <div class="listBox">
+ <div class="listBoxItemContent listItemClass" v-for="(item, index) in dataList" :key="index">
+ <!-- <pageList :showJurisdiction="true" :item="item" type="list0" v-if="type==3||type==4"></pageList> -->
+ <pageList ifInclude :item="item" :type="'list0'" @setInclude="setInclude"></pageList>
+ <a-divider class="bottomBorder" v-if="(index!=dataList.length-1)"/>
+ </div>
+ </div>
+ <pageBar ref="pageBarref0" @pageChange="pageChange0" :total="total" :pageSize="pageSize" class="pageBar"></pageBar>
+ </div>
+ </div>
+ </div>
+ </div>
+import contentData from '@/api/knowledge/contentData'
+import api from '@/api/knowledge/warehouseIndex'
+import search from '../components/search'
+import pageBar from '../components/pageBar'
+import pageList from '../components/pageList'
+import classMenu from '../components/classMenu'
+import {mapState,mapGetters} from "vuex";
+import SessionCache from '../aJs/cache'
+export default {
+ name: 'contentData',
+ components: {
+ search,
+ pageBar,
+ pageList,
+ classMenu
+ },
+ data() {
+ return {
+ imgUrl: require('@img/avatar2.jpg'),
+ delVisible:true,
+ searchData:{
+ range:0,
+ keyword:''
+ },
+ categoryId:'',
+ defaultCascader:[],
+ categoryValue:[],
+ categoryDataArr:[],
+ categoryName:'请选择分类',
+ userData:this.user,
+ pageNum:1,
+ pageNum0:1,
+ pageNum1:1,
+ pageNum2:1,
+ pageNum3:1,
+ total:2,
+ pageSize:10,
+ tapArr:['','我的审批','我的上传','我的草稿'],
+ number0:0,
+ number1:0,
+ number2:0,
+ number3:0,
+ number1Bas:0,
+ number2Bas:0,
+ number3Bas:0,
+ myuploadNum:0,
+ tapAction:0,
+ dataList:[
+ ],
+ dataList1:[
+ ],
+ dataList2:[
+ ],
+ dataList3:[
+ ],
+ options: [],
+ type:null,
+ typeName:["最新知识","最热知识","文档排行","工作成果","经典案例","维基排行"],
+ innerWidth: 400,
+ scope: 2,
+ pkId: '',
+ isAdd: 1
+ }
+ },
+ created() {
+ // if(this.$route.query.type!=undefined){
+ // this.type=this.$route.query.type
+ // this.categoryName=this.typeName[this.type]
+ // if(this.type==3){
+ // this.defaultCascader=['40']
+ // this.categoryValue=['40']
+ // }
+ // if(this.type==4){
+ // this.defaultCascader=['50']
+ // this.categoryValue=['50']
+ // }
+ // }
+ // if(this.$route.query.categoryId!=undefined){
+ // this.categoryId=this.$route.query.categoryId
+ // if(this.$route.query.parentp!=undefined){
+ // this.defaultCascader=[this.$route.query.parentp,this.$route.query.parent,this.$route.query.categoryId]
+ // this.categoryValue=[this.$route.query.parentp,this.$route.query.parent,this.$route.query.categoryId]
+ // }else if(this.$route.query.parent!=0){
+ // this.defaultCascader=[this.$route.query.parent,this.$route.query.categoryId]
+ // this.categoryValue=[this.$route.query.parent,this.$route.query.categoryId]
+ // }else{
+ // this.defaultCascader.push(this.$route.query.categoryId)
+ // this.categoryValue.push(this.$route.query.categoryId)
+ // }
+ // this.categoryName=this.$route.query.categoryName
+ // }
+ //盘点是否已被收录
+ let info = SessionCache.getCache('albumDetail')
+ let list = info.albumArr[info.albumIndex].dataList
+ if(list.length) {
+ for(let i of list) {
+ this.$store.commit('include/setInclude', i);
+ }
+ }
+ this.getBaseData()
+ this.getData(true)
+ // if(this.$route.query.showMy!=undefined){
+ // this.changeAction(2)
+ // }
+ if (this.user.photo && this.user.photo != '') {
+ this.imgUrl = '/api/api-system/system/core/sysFile/previewFile?fileId='+this.user.photo
+ }
+ if(this.$route.query.scope) {
+ this.scope = this.$route.query.scope
+ }
+ if(this.$route.query.isAdd) {
+ this.isAdd = this.$route.query.isAdd
+ }
+ if(this.$route.query.pkId) {
+ this.pkId = this.$route.query.pkId
+ }
+ },
+ mounted() {
+ // 计算
+ setTimeout(() => {
+ //let offsetWidth = document.querySelector('.scroll-ckunk').getBoundingClientRect().left
+ //this.widthVar = innerWidth - offsetWidth - 40
+ }, 1000);
+ document.onclick=function(element){
+ if(element.target.className.indexOf('ant-cascader-menu-item')>-1){
+ document.querySelector('.ant-cascader-menus').scrollLeft = 20480
+ }
+ }
+ },
+ computed: {
+ ...mapState({
+ user: (state) => state.appSetting.user,
+ }),
+ ...mapGetters('include',['getInclude'])
+ },
+ methods: {
+ //搜索数据
+ searchResult(data){
+ this.searchData=data
+ this.searchData.keyword=decodeURI(data.keyword)
+ this.getData(true)
+ },
+ // 修改是否收录
+ setInclude(info) {
+ if(info.isInclude) {
+ this.$store.commit('include/delInclude', info);
+ }else {
+ this.$store.commit('include/setInclude', info);
+ }
+ this.dataList.find(item => item.pkId == info.pkId).isInclude = !info.isInclude
+ },
+ action(arg) {
+ let info = SessionCache.getCache('albumDetail')
+ let data
+ if(arg == 'save') {
+ let albumArr = info.albumArr
+ albumArr[info.albumIndex].dataList = []
+ albumArr[info.albumIndex].dataList.push(...this.getInclude)
+ data = {
+ ...info,
+ albumArr: albumArr,
+ isContentList: 1
+ }
+ } else {
+ data = {
+ ...info,
+ isContentList: 1
+ }
+ }
+ SessionCache.setCache('albumDetail', data)
+ this.$store.commit('include/clearInclude')
+ this.$router.back()
+ },
+ //分类修改数据
+ onChange(value, selectedOptions) {
+ this.categoryValue = value
+ this.categoryDataArr = selectedOptions
+ this.categoryId = value[value.length-1]
+ },
+ //修改分类
+ changeClass(data){
+ if(data.categoryId=='999'){
+ this.categoryId = ''
+ }else{
+ this.categoryId = data.categoryId
+ }
+ this.categoryValue = data.categoryValue
+ this.categoryName = data.categoryName
+ this.type = null
+ this.getData(true);
+ },
+ filter(inputValue, path) {
+ return path.some(option => option.label.toLowerCase().indexOf(inputValue.toLowerCase()) > -1);
+ },
+ // 跳转添加
+ addData(){
+ if(this.categoryValue.join(',')=='999'){
+ this.categoryValue=[]
+ }
+ console.log(this.categoryValue)
+ this.$router.push({
+ name: "knowledgeAddUpdate",
+ query: {
+ categoryId: this.categoryValue.join(',')
+ }
+ })
+ },
+ // 获取数据
+ getData(bol){
+ let param = {
+ "pageNo": this.pageNum,
+ "pageSize": 10,
+ "sortField": "",
+ "sortOrder": "asc",
+ params: {
+ approvalStatus: 5,
+ "categoryId":this.categoryId,
+ "titles":this.searchData.keyword,
+ "type": 1
+ }
+ }
+ // if(this.searchData.range!=0){
+ // param.params.type=this.searchData.range
+ // }
+ const includeInfo = this.getInclude
+ contentData.findAllKnowledge(param).then((res) => {
+ res.result.data.forEach(element => {
+ element.documentName = element.attachmentName
+ element.documentRemark = element.summary
+ element.viewNum = element.views
+ element.uploadTime = element.createTime
+ element.categoryArr = []
+ if(bol) {
+ element.isInclude = includeInfo.some(item => item.pkId == element.pkId)
+ } else {
+ element.isInclude = false
+ }
+ this.getType(element)
+ this.getCategory(element.categoryArr,element.knowledgeCategoryAdminVo)
+ });
+ this.number0 = res.result.totalCount
+ this.dataList = res.result.data
+ // 盘点是否已被收录
+ // let info = SessionCache.getCache('albumDetail')
+ // let list = this.albumArr[info.albumIndex].dataList
+ // for(let i of this.dataList) {
+ // if(list.some(item => item.pkId == i.pkId)) {
+ // i.isInclude = true
+ // }
+ // }
+ this.$nextTick(()=>{
+ this.$refs.pageBarref0.setTotal(Number(res.result.totalCount))
+ })
+ })
+ },
+ // 收录刷新页面
+ includeRefresh(){
+ let param = {
+ "pageNo": this.pageNum,
+ "pageSize": 10,
+ "sortField": "",
+ "sortOrder": "asc",
+ params: {
+ approvalStatus: 5,
+ "categoryId":this.categoryId,
+ "titles":this.searchData.keyword,
+ "type": 1
+ }
+ }
+ contentData.findAllKnowledge(param).then((res) => {
+ res.result.data.forEach(element => {
+ element.documentName = element.attachmentName
+ element.documentRemark = element.summary
+ element.viewNum = element.views
+ element.uploadTime = element.createTime
+ element.categoryArr = []
+ this.getType(element)
+ this.getCategory(element.categoryArr,element.knowledgeCategoryAdminVo)
+ });
+ this.number1 = res.result.totalCount
+ this.number1Bas = res.result.totalCount
+ this.dataList1 = res.result.data
+ this.$nextTick(()=>{
+ if(Number(res.result.totalCount)!=0){
+ this.$refs.pageBarref1.setTotal(Number(res.result.totalCount))
+ }
+ })
+ })
+ },
+ // 删除刷新页面草稿
+ delRefreshCg(){
+ let param0 = {
+ "pageNo": this.pageNum3,
+ "pageSize": 10,
+ "sortField": "CREATE_TIME_",
+ "sortOrder": "desc",
+ params: {
+ "isDraft":0,
+ "createBy":this.user.userId,
+ "keyword":this.searchData.keyword
+ }
+ }
+ contentData.findAllKnowledge(param0).then((res) => {
+ res.result.data.forEach(element => {
+ element.documentName = element.attachmentName
+ element.documentRemark = element.summary
+ element.viewNum = element.views
+ element.uploadTime = element.createTime
+ element.categoryArr = []
+ this.getType(element)
+ this.getCategory(element.categoryArr,element.knowledgeCategoryAdminVo)
+ });
+ this.number3 = res.result.totalCount
+ this.number3Bas = res.result.totalCount
+ this.dataList3 = res.result.data
+ this.$nextTick(()=>{
+ if(Number(res.result.totalCount)!=0){
+ this.$refs.pageBarref3.setTotal(Number(res.result.totalCount))
+ }
+ })
+ })
+ },
+ // 处理分类数据展示
+ categoryData(data){
+ data.forEach(element => {
+ element.label=element.name
+ element.value=element.pkId
+ if(element.children!=null&&element.children.length!=0){
+ this.categoryData(element.children)
+ }
+ })
+ },
+ // 获取分类数据
+ getBaseData(){
+ contentData.getAllKnowledgeCategory().then((res) =>{
+ this.categoryData(res.data)
+ let allposition={
+ children: res.data,
+ isSys: 0,
+ label: "全部分类",
+ level: 1,
+ name: "全部分类",
+ operatorName: null,
+ parent: "0",
+ parents: null,
+ pkId: "999",
+ sort: 2,
+ updateBy: "1",
+ updateTime: "2022-12-27 17:00:30",
+ value: ""
+ }
+ // res.data.unshift(allposition)
+ this.options=allposition
+ })
+ // this.delRefresh()
+ // let param1 = {
+ // "pageNo": 1,
+ // "pageSize": 10,
+ // "sortField": "CREATE_TIME_",
+ // "sortOrder": "desc",
+ // params: {
+ // "approvalStatus":5,
+ // "createBy":this.user.userId
+ // }
+ // }
+ // contentData.findAllKnowledge(param1).then((res) => {
+ // res.result.data.forEach(element => {
+ // element.documentName = element.attachmentName
+ // element.documentRemark = element.summary
+ // element.viewNum = element.views
+ // element.uploadTime = element.createTime
+ // element.categoryArr = []
+ // this.getType(element)
+ // this.getCategory(element.categoryArr,element.knowledgeCategoryAdminVo)
+ // });
+ // this.number2 = res.result.totalCount
+ // this.number2Bas = res.result.totalCount
+ // if(this.number2Bas==0){
+ // if(this.$route.query.showMy!=undefined){
+ // this.changeAction(0)
+ // }
+ // }
+ // this.myuploadNum = res.result.totalCount
+ // this.dataList2 = res.result.data
+ // this.$nextTick(()=>{
+ // if(Number(res.result.totalCount)!=0){
+ // this.$refs.pageBarref2.setTotal(Number(res.result.totalCount))
+ // }
+ // })
+ // })
+ // let param0 = {
+ // "pageNo": this.pageNum,
+ // "pageSize": 10,
+ // "sortField": "CREATE_TIME_",
+ // "sortOrder": "desc",
+ // params: {
+ // "isDraft":0,
+ // "createBy":this.user.userId,
+ // "keyword":this.searchData.keyword
+ // }
+ // }
+ // contentData.findAllKnowledge(param0).then((res) => {
+ // res.result.data.forEach(element => {
+ // element.documentName = element.attachmentName
+ // element.documentRemark = element.summary
+ // element.viewNum = element.views
+ // element.uploadTime = element.createTime
+ // element.categoryArr = []
+ // this.getType(element)
+ // this.getCategory(element.categoryArr,element.knowledgeCategoryAdminVo)
+ // });
+ // this.number3 = res.result.totalCount
+ // this.number3Bas = res.result.totalCount
+ // this.dataList3 = res.result.data
+ // this.$nextTick(()=>{
+ // if(Number(res.result.totalCount)!=0){
+ // this.$refs.pageBarref3.setTotal(Number(res.result.totalCount))
+ // }
+ // })
+ // })
+ },
+ // 获取文件分类名
+ getType(item){
+ item.documentType = 5
+ if(item.documentName!=null){
+ let typeName = item.documentName.split('.')[(item.documentName.split('.').length-1)]
+ if(typeName.indexOf("pdf")>-1){
+ item.documentType = 1
+ }else if(typeName.indexOf("doc")>-1){
+ item.documentType = 2
+ }else if(typeName.indexOf("xls")>-1){
+ item.documentType = 3
+ }else if(typeName.indexOf("ppt")>-1){
+ item.documentType = 4
+ }else{
+ item.documentType = 5
+ }
+ }
+ },
+ // 处理分类
+ getCategory(arr,data){
+ if(data==null){
+ return false
+ }
+ arr.unshift(data.name)
+ if(data.parents!=null){
+ this.getCategory(arr,data.parents)
+ }
+ },
+ // 修改tap页面
+ changeAction(num){
+ this.tapAction = num
+ if(this.tapAction==0){
+ this.pageNum = this.pageNum0
+ }
+ if(this.tapAction==1){
+ this.pageNum = this.pageNum1
+ }
+ if(this.tapAction==2){
+ this.pageNum = this.pageNum2
+ }
+ if(this.tapAction==3){
+ this.pageNum = this.pageNum3
+ }
+ },
+ // 页码处理
+ pageChange0(num){
+ this.pageNum = num
+ this.pageNum0 = num
+ this.getData(true)
+ },
+ },
+ beforeDestroy() {
+ let info = SessionCache.getCache('albumDetail')
+ let data = {
+ ...info,
+ isContentList: 1
+ }
+ SessionCache.setCache('albumDetail', data)
+ this.$store.commit('include/clearInclude')
+ }
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