@@ -3,7 +3,7 @@
<div slot="center" style>
<div slot="toolheader" border="false" foldbtn="false">
- <breadcrumb firstLevel="专辑管理" lastLevel="点评审核" />
+ <breadcrumb firstLevel="点评管理" lastLevel="点评审核" />
<div class="mainContent">
<div class="body" :style="{'padding-right': $store.state.appSetting.collapsed ? '0px' : '20px' }">
<div class="content">
@@ -12,13 +12,13 @@
<div style="display:flex;flex-wrap:wrap;">
style="width:320px;margin: 5px 40px 5px 0;"
- label="知识标题"
+ label="专辑名称"
- <a-input v-model="queryParam.titles" placeholder="请输入"/>
+ <a-input v-model="queryParam.name" placeholder="请输入"/>
style="width:320px;margin: 5px 40px 5px 0;"
- label="创建时间"
+ label="提交时间"
<a-range-picker v-model="createTime"
@@ -28,24 +28,14 @@
<a-icon v-if="$store.state.appSetting.collapsed" slot="suffixIcon" type="calendar" />
- <!-- <a-form-item
- style="width:320px;margin: 5px 40px 5px 0;"
- label="审核状态"
- name="online">
- <a-select v-model="queryParam.approvalStatus" placeholder="请选择" allowClear>
- <a-select-option v-for="(item,index) in approvalStatusList" :key="index" :value="item.value">
- {{item.label}}
- </a-select-option>
- </a-select>
- </a-form-item> -->
<div style="display:flex;flex-wrap:wrap;" v-if="extend" :class="{'show-other': extend}">
style="width:320px;margin: 5px 40px 5px 0;"
- label="知识分类"
- name="online">
- <a-select v-model="queryParam.type" placeholder="请选择" allowClear>
- <a-select-option v-for="(item,index) in knowledgeList" :key="index" :value="item.value">
+ label="审核状态"
+ name="approvalState">
+ <a-select v-model="queryParam.approvalState" placeholder="请选择" allowClear>
+ <a-select-option v-for="(item,index) in approvalStateList" :key="index" :value="item.value">
@@ -55,7 +45,7 @@
<a-cascader v-model="categoryIds"
- :options="classifyList"
+ :options="classifyLevelList"
:fieldNames="{ label: 'name', value: 'pkId', children: 'children' }"
@@ -63,9 +53,9 @@
style="width:320px;margin: 5px 40px 5px 0;"
- label="作者"
- name="creator">
- <a-input v-model="queryParam.author" placeholder="请输入" />
+ label="提交人"
+ name="createName">
+ <a-input v-model="queryParam.createName" placeholder="请输入" />
@@ -92,50 +82,36 @@
- <!-- <rx-button alias="processEdit" :butn-icon="'false'" @click="$router.push('/knowledge/auditProcessMaintain')">维护审核流程</rx-button> -->
- <rx-button alias="processBatch" :butn-icon="'false'" @click="handldAuditClick('batch')">批量审核</rx-button>
+ <rx-button alias="commentAuditListBatch" :butn-icon="'false'" @click="handldAuditClick('batch')">批量审核</rx-button>
- ref="auditRef"
+ ref="commentRef"
style="background: #fff"
- :url="urls"
+ :url="api.query"
- <template slot="pkId" slot-scope="{text,record}">
- <div>{{ $route.query.showUnchecked ? record.approvalsFirst.pkId : text }}</div>
- </template>
- <template slot="titles" slot-scope="{text}">
- <div style="white-space: pre-line">{{ text }}</div>
- </template>
- <template slot="type" slot-scope="{text}">
- <div>{{ text == 1 ? '文档知识' : '维基知识' }}</div>
- </template>
- <template slot="knowledgeCategoryAdminVo" slot-scope="{text}">
- <div>{{ getCategory(text) }}</div>
- </template>
<template slot="approvalStatus" slot-scope="{text}">
<div>{{ getApprovalStatus(text) }}</div>
<template slot="action" slot-scope="{text,record}">
- <template v-if="($route.query.showUnchecked ? true : record.isAudit == 0) && (record.approvalStatus == 1 || record.approvalStatus == 3)" >
- <!-- <template v-if="(record.approvalStatus == 1 || record.approvalStatus == 3) && record.approverId == $store.state.appSetting.user.userId" > -->
- <rx-button class="clearBtn" alias="processDo" :butn-icon="'none'" @click="handleJumpUpdateClick(record)">审核</rx-button>
- <rx-button class="clearBtn" alias="processFast" :butn-icon="'none'" @click="handldAuditClick('fast',record)">快速审核</rx-button>
+ <template v-if="record.actionFlag.indexOf('approve') > -1">
+ <rx-button class="clearBtn" alias="commentAuditListProcess" :butn-icon="'none'" @click="handleJumpUpdateClick(record,true)">审核</rx-button>
+ <rx-button class="clearBtn" alias="commentAuditListFast" :butn-icon="'none'" @click="handldAuditClick('fast',record)">快速审核</rx-button>
<template v-else>
- <rx-button class="clearBtn" alias="processLook" :butn-icon="'none'" @click="handleJumpUpdateClick(record,true)">查看</rx-button>
+ <rx-button class="clearBtn" alias="commentAuditListlook" :butn-icon="'none'" @click="handleJumpUpdateClick(record,false)">查看</rx-button>
@@ -156,25 +132,8 @@
<a-form-item prop="remark" style="margin-top:10px;">
<a-input v-model="auditForm.remark" type="textarea" :autosize="{minRows: 3, maxRows: 6}" :maxLength="200" placeholder="请输入审批意见" />
- <a-form-item v-if="isShowOrg && isDocument" label="权限:" prop="actualApproverName" style="margin-top:10px;">
- <div @click="showAuditFlag = true">
- <a-select v-model="authName" :showArrow="false" :open="false" placeholder="请选择组织部门、职系、职称等授予知识访问权限"></a-select>
- </div>
- </a-form-item>
- </a-modal>
- <a-modal v-model="showAuditFlag"
- width="800"
- title="选择组织架构"
- centered
- okText="保存"
- @ok="handleSaveOk">
- <org-people style="width:800px;height:65vh;"
- :isOnlyOrg="false"
- @transCheckedTarget="transCheckedTarget"
- @returnSequencesInfo="handleSequencesChange"
- @returnGradeInfo="handleGradeChange" ></org-people>
- </a-modal>
+ </a-modal>
@@ -182,79 +141,68 @@
import breadcrumb from '../components/breadcrumb'
import orgPeople from './components/orgPeople'
-import api from '@/api/knowledge/audit'
-import classApi from '@/api/knowledge/classify'
-import { getCategory } from '../aJs/getClassifyTree'
+import api from '@/api/knowledge/album/commentAudit'
+import albumApi from '@/api/knowledge/album/album'
import mixin from "../aMixin/mixin"
-import initMixin from "../aMixin/initMixin"
const auditMixin = new mixin('audit')
export default {
- name: 'auditManageList',
+ name: 'commentAuditList',
components: {
- mixins: [ initMixin, auditMixin ],
+ mixins: [ auditMixin ],
data() {
return {
- classApi,
saveLoading: false,
urls: '',
modalTitle: '快速审核',
extend: true,
queryParam: {
- titles: '',
- beginTime: '',
- endTime: '',
- approvalStatus: undefined,
- type: undefined,
+ type: 1,
+ name: '',
+ createTimeStart: '',
+ createTimeEnd: '',
+ approvalState: undefined,
categoryId: '',
- author: '',
+ createName: '',
createTime: [],
categoryIds: [],
- knowledgeList: [
- {value: null, label: '全部'},
- {value: '1', label: '文档知识'},
- {value: '2', label: '维基知识'}
- ],
- approvalStatusList: [
- {value: '1', label: '待节点审核'},
- {value: '2', label: '节点驳回'},
- {value: '3', label: '待最终审核'},
- {value: '4', label: '最终驳回'},
- {value: '5', label: '最终通过'},
+ classifyLevelList: [],
+ approvalStateList: [
+ {value: 1, label: '待节点审核'},
+ {value: 2, label: '节点驳回'},
+ {value: 3, label: '待最终审核'},
+ {value: 4, label: '最终驳回'},
+ {value: 5, label: '最终通过'}
columns: [
title: '点评ID',
dataIndex: 'pkId',
- align: 'center',
- scopedSlots: {customRender: 'pkId'}
+ align: 'center'
title: '点评内容',
- dataIndex: 'titles',
+ dataIndex: 'content',
align: 'center',
- scopedSlots: {customRender: 'titles'}
+ width: 300
title: '专题名称',
- dataIndex: 'titles',
- align: 'center',
- scopedSlots: {customRender: 'titles'}
+ dataIndex: 'albumName',
+ align: 'center'
title: '所属分类',
- dataIndex: 'knowledgeCategoryAdminVo',
+ dataIndex: 'categoryName',
align: 'center',
- width: 300,
- scopedSlots: {customRender: 'knowledgeCategoryAdminVo'}
title: '提交人',
- dataIndex: 'author',
+ dataIndex: 'createName',
align: 'center',
width: 100
@@ -265,20 +213,19 @@ export default {
title: '状态',
- dataIndex: 'approvalStatus',
+ dataIndex: 'approvalStateName',
align: 'center',
- scopedSlots: {customRender: 'approvalStatus'},
width: 100
title: '审核人',
- dataIndex: 'approverName',
+ dataIndex: 'previousApproverName',
align: 'center',
width: 100
title: '最后一次审核时间',
- dataIndex: 'approvalTime',
+ dataIndex: 'previousApproverTime',
align: 'center',
@@ -290,47 +237,20 @@ export default {
auditShow: false,
- showAuditFlag: false,
// 要审核的数据
willAuditData: [],
auditForm: {
- pkId: '',
+ pkIds:'',
- actualApprover: '',
- actualApproverName: '',
- organizationId: ''
- },
- authName: undefined,
- isShowOrg: false,
- classifyList: [],
- // 组织架构
- checkedTarget: {},
- // 职系
- sequencesInfo: {},
- // 职等
- gradesInfo: {},
- // 文档知识不能选择权限
- isDocument: false
+ }
created() {
- // 从知识管理页跳转
- if(this.$route.query.showUnchecked) {
- this.urls = api.findAllAuditKnowledge
- this.approvalStatusList = [
- {value: '1', label: '待节点审核'},
- {value: '3', label: '待最终审核'}
- ]
+ if(this.$route.query.showOnlyUser) {
+ this.queryParam.type = 2
} else {
- this.urls = api.findAllKnowledgeApprove
- this.approvalStatusList = [
- {value: '1', label: '待节点审核'},
- {value: '2', label: '节点驳回'},
- {value: '3', label: '待最终审核'},
- {value: '4', label: '最终驳回'},
- {value: '5', label: '最终通过'},
- ]
+ this.queryParam.type = 1
@@ -353,11 +273,25 @@ export default {
methods: {
- getCategory,
+ async init() {
+ let res = await albumApi.categories()
+ this.classifyLevelList = this.formatData(res.data)
+ },
+ formatData(data) {
+ const that = this
+ data.forEach((element) => {
+ if (element.children && element.children.length > 0) {
+ that.formatData(element.children)
+ } else {
+ delete element.children
+ }
+ })
+ return data
+ },
handleSearchClick() {
if(this.createTime && this.createTime.length) {
- this.queryParam.beginTime = this.createTime[0]
- this.queryParam.endTime = this.createTime[1]
+ this.queryParam.createTimeStart = this.createTime[0]
+ this.queryParam.createTimeEnd = this.createTime[1]
if(this.categoryIds && this.categoryIds.length) {
this.queryParam.categoryId = this.categoryIds.slice('-1')[0]
@@ -365,153 +299,51 @@ export default {
// 审核
- handleJumpUpdateClick(record,arg) {
- // 从知识管理跳转
- // let query = {}
- // if(this.$route.query.showUnchecked) {
- // if(arg) {
- // // 查看
- // query = {
- // pkId: record.pkId,
- // type: 'auditManageList',
- // auditId: record.approvalsFirst.pkId,
- // show: true,
- // }
- // } else {
- // // 审核
- // query = {
- // pkId: record.pkId,
- // type: 'auditManageList',
- // auditId: record.approvalsFirst.pkId,
- // show: true,
- // isAudit: true
- // }
- // }
- // } else {
- // // 当前审核管理跳转
- // if(arg) {
- // // 查看
- // query = {
- // pkId: record.knowledgerId,
- // type: 'auditManageList',
- // auditId: record.pkId,
- // show: true
- // }
- // } else {
- // // 审核
- // query = {
- // pkId: record.knowledgerId,
- // type: 'auditManageList',
- // auditId: record.pkId,
- // show: true,
- // isAudit: true
- // }
- // }
- // }
- // this.$router.push({
- // path: '/knowledge/knowledgeAddUpdate',
- // query
- // })
+ handleJumpUpdateClick(record,arg = false) {
+ this.$router.push({
+ path: '/knowledge/checkInfo',
+ // pkId showCheck: 是否显示点评
+ query: { pkId: record.pkId, showCheck: arg}
+ })
// 确认审核
this.saveLoading = true
- let ids = this.willAuditData.map(item => item.pkId)
- if(this.$route.query.showUnchecked) {
- ids = this.willAuditData.map(item => item.approvalsFirst.pkId)
- }
- this.auditForm.actualApprover = this.$store.state.appSetting.user.userId
- this.auditForm.actualApproverName = this.$store.state.appSetting.user.fullName
- // 快速审核
- if(ids.length == 1) {
- this.auditForm.pkId = ids[0]
- api.knowledgeApproveById(this.auditForm).then(res => {
- if(res.code == 200) {
- this.auditShow = false
- this.reloadTable()
- this.saveLoading = false
- }
- })
- } else {
- // 批量审核
- this.auditForm.pkIds = ids
- api.knowledgeApproveBatchById(this.auditForm).then(res => {
- if(res.code == 200) {
- this.auditShow = false
- this.reloadTable()
- this.saveLoading = false
- }
- })
- }
+ this.auditForm.pkIds = this.willAuditData.map(item => item.pkId)
+ this.auditForm.result = parseInt(this.auditForm.result)
+ api.approve(this.auditForm).then(res => {
+ if(res.code == 200) {
+ this.auditShow = false
+ this.reloadTable()
+ this.saveLoading = false
+ }
+ })
// 快速审核/批量审核
handldAuditClick(title,arg = {}) {
this.modalTitle = title == 'fast' ? '快速审核' : '批量审核'
this.auditForm = Object.assign({},this.$options.data().auditForm)
- this.authName = undefined
this.willAuditData = []
if(title == 'fast') {
- this.isDocument = arg.type == 1 ? true : false
- this.isShowOrg = arg.approvalStatus == 3 ? true : false
} else {
- this.willAuditData = this.$refs.auditRef.getSelectedRows()
+ this.willAuditData = this.$refs.commentRef.getSelectedRows()
+ if(!this.willAuditData.length) {
+ this.$message.error("请选择要审核的专辑");
+ return
+ }
for(let i of this.willAuditData) {
- if(i.approvalStatus != 1 && i.approvalStatus != 3) {
+ if(i.approvalStateName != '待节点审核' && i.approvalStateName != '待最终审核') {
- if(i.approvalStatus == 3) {
- this.isShowOrg = true
- this.isDocument = i.type == 1 ? true : false
- break
- } else {
- this.isShowOrg = false
- }
- if(!this.willAuditData.length) return
this.auditShow = true
- },
- transCheckedTarget(arg) {
- this.checkedTarget = arg
- },
- handleSequencesChange(arg) {
- this.sequencesInfo = arg
- },
- handleGradeChange(arg) {
- this.gradesInfo = arg
- },
- handleSaveOk() {
- if(this.isShowOrg) {
- let info = []
- let res = []
- if(this.checkedTarget.organizationId) {
- info.push(`${this.checkedTarget.organizationTree.join('-')}`)
- res.push(this.checkedTarget)
- }
- if(this.sequencesInfo.gradeId) {
- info.push(`职系-${this.sequencesInfo.gradeName}`)
- res.push(this.sequencesInfo)
- }
- if(this.gradesInfo.gradeLevelId) {
- info.push(`职等-${this.gradesInfo.gradeLevelName}`)
- res.push(this.gradesInfo)
- }
- if(info.length) {
- this.authName = info.join('/')
- }
- if(res.length) {
- this.auditForm.organizationId = JSON.stringify([...res])
- } else {
- this.auditForm.organizationId = ""
- }
- }
- this.showAuditFlag = false
// 重新加载表格
reloadTable() {
- this.$refs.auditRef.loadData()
+ this.$refs.commentRef.loadData()