@@ -34,17 +34,17 @@
left join first_article_task fat on fac.id = fat.first_article_calendar_id and TO_DAYS(fat.task_time) =
- bp.deleted= 0 and bp.`status` = 4 <!-- 审核通过已生效计划 -->
- AND bp.plan_type = 1
- <if test="req.bentelerPlanName != null and req.bentelerPlanName != ''">
- AND bp.`name` LIKE CONCAT('%', #{req.bentelerPlanName}, '%')
- </if>
- group by bp.id
- ) temp
- <where>
- <choose>
- <when test="req.planStatus != null and req.planStatus==0">
- temp.count0 > 0
+ bp.deleted= 0 and (bp.`status` = 4 or bp.`status` = 3) <!-- 审核通过已生效计划 -->
+ AND bp.plan_type = 1
+ <if test="req.bentelerPlanName != null and req.bentelerPlanName != ''">
+ AND bp.`name` LIKE CONCAT('%', #{req.bentelerPlanName}, '%')
+ </if>
+ group by bp.id
+ ) temp
+ <where>
+ <choose>
+ <when test="req.planStatus != null and req.planStatus==0">
+ temp.count0 > 0
<when test="req.planStatus != null and req.planStatus==2">
temp.count2 > 0