@@ -1,6 +1,6 @@
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" ?>
<!DOCTYPE mapper PUBLIC "-//mybatis.org//DTD Mapper 3.0//EN" "http://mybatis.org/dtd/mybatis-3-mapper.dtd" >
-<mapper namespace="com.jihengbel.intelligent.applicationtask.model.OnsiteTaskMapper" >
+<mapper namespace="com.jihengbel.intelligent.applicationtask.model.OnsiteTaskMapper">
<resultMap id="calendarOnsite" type="com.jihengbel.intelligent.applicationtask.entry.OnsiteCalendar">
@@ -27,25 +27,29 @@
<select id="getMaxApproveLevel" resultType="int">
- select max(approval_level) from approval_rule where type = 3
+ select max(approval_level)
+ from approval_rule
+ where type = 3
<select id="getApproveTaskNoDeal" resultMap="approveMap">
select a.id, a.onsite_task_id , a.approval_level, a.approval_user_id
from onsite_approval_task a
- where a.status=0 and a.approval_level < ${approval_level} and now() > ADDDATE(a.created_time, interval 30 minute); <!--找到30分钟没处理的 -->
+ where a.status=0 and a.approval_level < ${approval_level} and now() > ADDDATE(a.created_time, interval 30
+ minute); <!--找到30分钟没处理的 -->
<update id="updateApproveTask">
update onsite_approval_task
- set status=${status},reason='自动审批'
+ set status=${status},
+ reason='自动审批'
where id = ${id}
and status = 0
<insert id="addApproveTask">
- insert into onsite_approval_task(onsite_task_id, approval_level, approval_user_id,created_time,reason)
- values (${task_id}, ${approval_level}, ${approval_user_id},now(),'')
+ insert into onsite_approval_task(onsite_task_id, approval_level, approval_user_id, created_time, reason)
+ values (${task_id}, ${approval_level}, ${approval_user_id}, now(), '')
<select id="getApprovalUser" resultType="com.jihengbel.intelligent.applicationtask.entry.ApprovalUserRes">
@@ -63,25 +67,29 @@
- <insert id="addRemindNowork" >
- insert into remind_approval_task(task_id,approval_user_id,task_type)
- values(${task_id},${approval_user_id},${task_type})
+ <insert id="addRemindNowork">
+ insert into remind_approval_task(task_id, approval_user_id, task_type)
+ values (${task_id}, ${approval_user_id}, ${task_type})
<select id="getRemindNoworkToManager" resultType="Long">
- select b.user_id from nowork_remind_rule a ,us_user_role b where a.type=${type} and a.role_id=b.role_id limit 1
+ select b.user_id
+ from nowork_remind_rule a,
+ us_user_role b
+ where a.type = ${type}
+ and a.role_id = b.role_id limit 1
<select id="getCalenderOnsitesForType" resultMap="calendarOnsite"> <!-- todo 这个还需要状态 -->
- SELECT b.* FROM benteler_plan a,onsite_calendar b,onsite_approval_plan oap
+ SELECT b.* FROM benteler_plan a,onsite_calendar b,onsite_approval_plan oap
a.id=b.benteler_plan_id and a.pause_flag=0 and a.deleted=0 and a.effective_date <= now()
and b.type_flag=${type_flag}
<if test="week_day != null and week_day != ''">
- and b.week_day >= ${week_day}
+ and b.week_day >= ${week_day}
<if test="month_day != null and month_day != ''">
- and b.month_day >= ${month_day}
+ and b.month_day >= ${month_day}
and a.id = oap.benteler_plan_id
and a.plan_type = 2
@@ -90,38 +98,55 @@
- <delete id="delTaskOld">
- delete from onsite_task where status=0
- and onsite_calendar_id in (select id from onsite_calendar where type_flag in (1,2) )
- and ADDDATE(task_time, interval 1 day) < now()
- </delete>
+ <delete id="delTaskOld">
+ delete from onsite_task where id in(
+ select a.id from onsite_calendar b,
+ (
+ select IF
+ ( date_format( task_time, '%w' ) = 0,
+ 7,
+ date_format( task_time, '%w')
+ ) wd , onsite_calendar_id,id
+ from onsite_task
+ ) a where a.onsite_calendar_id=b.id and a.wd!=b.week_day and b.type_flag=1
+ )
+ and ADDDATE(task_time, interval 1 day) < now() ;
+ delete from onsite_task where id in(
+ select a.id from onsite_calendar b,
+ (
+ select
+ date_format( task_time, '%e') mh , onsite_calendar_id,id
+ from onsite_task
+ ) a where a.onsite_calendar_id=b.id and a.mh!=b.month_day and b.type_flag=2
+ )
+ and ADDDATE(task_time, interval 1 day) < now() ;
+ </delete>
<select id="getRemindWork" resultMap="calendarOnsite">
select b.*,a.task_time ,a.id onsite_task_id
from onsite_task a,onsite_calendar b
where a.onsite_calendar_id=b.id and a.status=0 and b.type_flag=${type_flag}
<if test="remind_task_flag != null">
- and a.remind_task_flag = ${remind_task_flag}
+ and a.remind_task_flag = ${remind_task_flag}
<if test="remind_nowork_flag != null">
- and a.remind_nowork_flag = ${remind_nowork_flag}
+ and a.remind_nowork_flag = ${remind_nowork_flag}
- <update id="updateOnsiteRemindFlag" >
- update onsite_task set ${flag}=${flagVal} where id=${onsite_task_id}
+ <update id="updateOnsiteRemindFlag">
+ update onsite_task
+ set ${flag}=${flagVal}
+ where id = ${onsite_task_id}
<insert id="insertOnsiteTask" parameterType="com.jihengbel.intelligent.applicationtask.entry.OnsiteTask">
- insert into onsite_task(onsite_calendar_id,task_time)
- values(
- ${onsite_calendar_id},#{task_time}
- )
+ insert into onsite_task(onsite_calendar_id, task_time)
+ values (${onsite_calendar_id}, #{task_time})